The Seattle Public Library Foundation will join more than 350 library systems across North America to celebrate Library Giving Day, a national online giving event focused on library philanthropy.
Libraries continue to provide essential services our neighbors rely on, including curbside check-outs and printing, eBooks, job search assistance, online tutoring, and mobile book delivery. The Seattle Public Library has transformed the way it hosts educational classes and inspirational programs to enrich our community and entertain people of all ages.
And you can help!
Your gift can be put to work now to meet soaring eBook demand, help people build skills through online programs, and provide books to children to develop early literacy skills.
And now is a great time to give because every gift to The Seattle Public Library Foundation will be doubled up to $25,000, thanks to a generous donor. We’re also adding new match sponsors weekly.
Friends like you have always kept The Seattle Public Library strong. Your support ensures our Library can be there for our community today and for generations to come!
Thank you for helping! Give now and see your gift doubled!